Taller loft


New member

I am building the tall barn, but I would like to have it a bit taller as a real bedroom.

It seems there are 2 ways to go about this:
1- altering/lengthening the lower sections of the trusses - but that would require also adjusting the angles.
2- Adding a mini 2nd floor wall ~24in tall.

I'm leaning toward #2. (like the pic looks)
It seems pretty straight forward using the same techniques as used on the first floor.

Is there anything I'm missing?

Thanks!Screen Shot 01-20-23 at 09.49 AM.PNG

Phil the shed man

Staff member
I can suggest 2 other options.

1) Put the loft below the top plates and make the first floor shorter.

2) Build taller (10 ft) walls and put the loft below the top plates. This would give lots of height above and below the loft. That might be easier than a 2ft wall on top of the top plates.


New member
I have opted for opt 1. I already had the materials ordered and no 2x4s that tall. I am planning to add an additional bottom plate (possibly 3rd top plate) to add a few inches.